Posts tagged post-digital content
Week 2: Magically Useful Products for Writers

On week 2 of the Post-Digital Content module, students were asked to create a product that would be magically useful for writers and then write a piece about it. Find out what they came up with and dream about which products you would need as a writer.

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Wattpad – a Platform for All

On week 1 of the Post-Digital Content module, students where asked to respond to the brief of Writers and Hope. De Rigueur focuses on reaching the widest audience awaits. Sophie writes about fanfiction and the tools of the trade.

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AI's in the Writing Industry: Why There is Hope for Writers

On week 1 of the Post-Digital Content module, students where asked to respond to the brief of Writers and Hope. This piece from the De Riguer co-op, Yazmin shares her findings on researching AI writing bots. Must we worry?

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Introducing Falwriting's Special Weekend Edition

Welcome to Falwriting’s Special Weekend Edition, where 2nd year Creative Writing students evoke the dynamics of the creative industries and respond to weekly briefs to develop their skills and build their portfolio for the Post-Digital Content module.

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