The Stay-at-Home! Literary Festival


The Stay-at Home! Festival is an international online literature festival designed to (a) prevent loneliness, (b) champion connectivity and community amidst social distancing, and  (c) celebrate writing and reading as tools to achieve (a) and (b)! In a nutshell, it is a free and completely online festival with workshops, readings, panels and Q&A sessions by writers of all genres that people all over the world can enjoy from their sofa (and which will doubtless be presented from writers’ sofas!)

The programme features multiple events from 27th March until 11th April 2020, with subjects ranging from poetry to novel writing and nonfiction, career advice, wellbeing and mindfulness, mental health, and publishing.

All events are live, though we do have a few events that run throughout the project. To join in, simply click on the web link provided on each event of the programme at the indicated start time – no need to register. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or laptop – cosy up on the sofa with a hot drink and biscuit and enjoy!

by FalWriting