Lost Ticket by David Devanny

Illustration by Lauren Turner

Illustration by Lauren Turner

Lost Ticket

his lost ticket drifts
pickling in a beaded jar
of russet sarsons

malt vinegar – there –
bobbing there with bladderwrack
salt, pepper, stock cubes

curled up tortilla
sanctuary performance
stool cultures, leathers,

 motherlands, pharaohs,
chords and bobbing vinegar
left-wing sardine curds. 

it's one of those shelves.
he had meant to sort it out
when they moved in some

seven years ago
but more stuff pops up and stocks
the cupboard up top.

bear thinks to himself
that’s just how life is these days
forgetting ferments,

tickets, fingerroot,
fenugreek and curry leaf
mortars, pebbles, chits.



Words by David Devanny

Edited by Eleanor Rogers