The Memory i by Hailey O'Gorman

Artwork by Hailey O’Gorman

Artwork by Hailey O’Gorman

It is 2015 and the blood of Christ leaves you

with your eyes divest of pipped tears.

This will be the last love you hold dearly

while Provera goes untouched

for days on end. The bottle is cold

but it tastes lemonly.


The flesh breathes in empty exhale.

like the crusts of oranges

sitting in the daylight

by a damp window.

You think of those as your last words.


When will you learn to be held

you sweet and stupid thing?

Your thumbs fumble between unknown beads.

What did you do wrong

To have a child like this?

Words by Hailey O’Gorman

Artwork by Hailey O’Gorman

Edited by Emily Gough