Steren – Entry Seven

-ing porthole! Mechanical lock scared we’ll scrape the surface and see what’s not really there. Those taunting cunting stars. Props obvious props and to think they fool us with those noises MACHINE noises we are in nothing, we haven’t left and there is nowhere we have been. Stop blinking and look out there and see, they disappear when you blink, faulty mechanics I see through it. Look they walk past so fast I want to kill them. Look in at me and you’ll see nothing. An EMPTY room. And that hum as if scraping the white off bones. The beeping from my jaw I swear to it. Where are we getting air? I screamed into the comms box and heard laughter fuckers! They don’t think I’ll try to die?? Everything in here gleams. I haven’t sat. I haven’t shit. Stop walking past and look in, let me see can I see me in your eyes. I caught those stars out, a facade a big Hollywood fuckaroo. They are punishing me for my awareness, my god given gift to see through shit. LET me out I’ve solved it those stars don’t shine but blink. This fucking porthole. The pen, the pen it was here all along in my hands, the answer the reprieve from it all. I can see those stars blink. The pen use the damn pen.

by Dylan Dawson