Two poems by Sarah Cave

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Spirit now blind
her solar panels no longer
see her systems
shivering as she tries
to recall
the electrical patterns
of the galaxy
a ghost-child
Spirit waited
                     Spirit prayed
for the storm to be over
her red-heart
memory files half-full

bewitched, bothered and bewildered

Wild Rover

is witnessed from orbit
a photography

of a venerated soul
caught in infra-red
Spirit’s HOLY BODY

written in the artist’s
dust visions

her small mountain
form seen
beneath a via-duct

an ancient communist
civilisation an industry

flowering commerce
and little red ants

setting up ice-cream
parlours the Spirit

lost on the waterways
the canals overflowing  

now only a place
for waste

& unimaginable murder

by Sarah Cave

About these poems

These poems are from Sarah Cave’s second collection, Perseverance Valley forthcoming from Knives, Forks and Spoons Press in September 2019. The collection maps the A.I. evolution of the Mars Rover Opportunity before his landmark death in the Endurance Crater earlier this year.