Top Spots for Walking your Pen: Why Being Outdoors Inspires Writing

Amy Barret_birds in frome.JPG

It’s not very often that distractions are a good thing when you’re stuck in a rut. Though as a writer, surrounding yourself in nature and engaging with the busy world around you can be one of the BEST ways to get ideas flowing. You may love being tucked up in the comfort of your own home, close to the kettle for caffeine and aware of the ticking clock. But after a while you’re going to need some fresh air and a reminder that people exist and there is life beyond your laptop screen.

Understandably, the thought of a buzzing wasp hovering around your face as you’re deep in thought isn’t ideal. Nor is bumping into a close friend who think’s now is the perfect time for a little catch up. Don’t fear. I am going to guide you in the right direction for escaping your space and simply talk you through the best spots to begin your writing journey.

A good ol’ bench

Talk about keeping it local. These often-unstable looking wooden seats are more than meets the eye. Whether it’s in your near-by park or along a coastal path, they’re reliable and usually empty. It’s likely you’ll see owners walk by with their dogs or a hear cooing pigeon above you in the trees. Maybe experience some small talk with an elder or sweaty jogger.

Everywhere and everyone you look at makes for writing content. So grab your pen and notebook and walk to your nearest bench. Something as simple as a breath of fresh air in a new place can make you feel inspired.

Back-to-back with a tree trunk

Just like in the movies. You’ll be the real-life main character in a quirky romance comedy, sat underneath the shade of a big oak tree. Being cliché is beside the point when looking for writing inspiration. Feeling the earth beneath your bottom and sounds of rustling leaves is idyllic and a perfect spot to explore your thoughts. If you head out early enough, you can experience tranquility and a silence like no other. Take a friend, blanket and picnic, be a part of the lovely green views.

Quiet coffee stops

No-one prepares you for quite how noisy cafés can be. Oh to know the freelancers secret. It’s as though the noise of children and crying babies don’t exist in their worlds. If you’re lucky and live somewhere with independent coffee shops, they’re absolutely the way forward. Specialty coffee shops tend to have limited space and a limited menu, so you avoid the dreaded rush of customers – an ideal space for feeling motivated. Especially if cake is involved. If your local spot is busy, sit in their outdoor area or take something home with you. Walking with intention can be just as good to clear your head!

Embrace both rain and shine

Before we even step foot outside of the house, we’re all very conscious of what mother nature has in mind. It may seem unpleasant to get soaked for the sake of being inspired, but even feeling annoyed could be the start of something special. Be prepared for all weather and resist the urge to head home right away.

Need more motivation?

Sometimes it can take more than being in the right place and right time for creativity to spark something great. Writing isn’t easy but once you get going it can flow like a dream and feel wonderful taking your mind somewhere else!

If you need help combating writers block, are struggling to start a novel or need some advice on what music will help get you through, check out these articles below:

by Amy Barret

About the briefs and co-ops

On week 3 of the Post-Digital Content module, students where asked to respond to the brief of Writers and Beginnings. This piece from the Dauphin co-op was selected for publication by the editorial team of the module. Dauphin specialises on beginner audiences. In this piece, 2nd-year student Amy Barret invites writers to step outside to seek inspiration.