Two poems by Luke Thompson

Art by John Kilburn



Eel: What sense does it make to say language has no meaning?

Cratylus: [waggles finger positively]

Eel: Are you trying to say something?

Cratylus: [waggles finger negatively]

Eel: What is that? Is that a language?

Cratylus: [finger stops moving]

Eel: Is that meant to be me?

Cratylus: [unwaggles finger]



As two crane flies struggle to free themselves, trapped as they are between the flysheet and the inner of the tent, their legs accidentally touch and each fly instinctively recoils.

      One leg breaks off, then another, until they are no longer able to move.

      How did we get here?

by Luke Thompson

Guillemont Press

Guillemot Press is a small independent publisher with a preference for the simple, thoughtful and beautiful. Their work has been awarded the 2018 Michael Marks Poetry Pamphlet Publisher Award, has been Highly Commended at the 2018 Forward Prizes. In 2017, Guillemont Press was named Publisher of the 2017 Michael Marks Award for Illustration winner, Rose Ferraby.

Their latest book,The Last Hundred, brings together poet and publisher Aaron Kent and photographer William Arnold to investigate the West Penwith region of Cornwall. The Last Hundred is available for purchase here.