'Jullian Killian Roddering Interview' by Joe Kahn
Image by Priscilla Du Preez, from Unsplash
In this week of Post-Digital Writing, students in were given the task of inventing a production (fantastic or mundane) that would be of great use to writers. The students approached the topic in a myriad of ways focusing on their brand and how they could craft an appealing products. Posters, mock-interviews, advert scripts, manifestos and brochures were all forms they considered to produce their work.
The author of the Wizards in School Julian Killian Roddering, talks to us about why he has started using the controversial new pill Partum.
How did you first hear about this pill?
Like numerous people in the creative industry, I first heard about the pill when it was announced by the manufacturer. From there I surveyed the headlines for a long time before making the decision to see if I could buy. There were extensive forms to be fulfilled but after they were all executed, I got them.
What was it like to take it for the first time?
I will admit that I was nervous but I had read review that had told people writing entire books in a day after taking just one. I reached out to a few to see how they were and what their true thoughts on Partum was. They told me that it was as like all the ideas came to them naturally like water down a river.
When I did take the pill, I did so as recommend: with a glass of water. When I had read the review and the speciation’s on the container, I knew that it would take around 15 minutes to take full effect. To pass the time I made a cup of tea and answered a few questions on Twitter.
When I sat down to write it was like a fog was lifted from my brain. The ideas flowed from my brain down to my hands and out onto the page. It was exhilarating after I realised what was happening, I found that I couldn’t stop writing. Everything just became so clear and I knew what I needed to write. It was unlike anything that I had taken before. I was as free as a bird upon the open air, soaring above the land and seeing all below me.
I finished the first draft of my book newest book a sequel to the main series of books.
Are you at all worried about the reports of the side effects that include: vomiting, nose bleeds, headaches, fainting, memory loss and comas?
At first yes, I was but as I became more and more accustomed to the effect and what it felt like I became more comfortable with using Partum. It really helped me get over places where I would normally have writers block or struggle. It was if my muse was controlling my pen as it flowed across the paper like clouds across the sky.
Would you recommend the pill to others?
Yes. I would it is something that I think will really help to boost creativity both in this industry and many others. It could do wonders for the world; it could be the next step in how we operate as a species.
Edited by Hailey O’Gorman