Staff Publication: The Co-ordinates of Doubt

These are our songs of suicide and joy: their lives in our hands, our ghosts dispatched and destroyed, our history exercised and renewed.
— Electric Storm


In their second collaborative sequence, The Co-ordinates of Doubt, anthropoetjesters Daniel Y. Harris and Rupert M. Loydell explore the temporality of place, the haunted landscapes and unknown worlds around them and within them, in melancholic and magical prose poems. Braving the electric storms of memory to resurrect the impossible, these texts draw on both surrealism and magic realism to chart the dysfunctions and diversions that makes us human, the languages we hardly dare to speak.



A circuitous journey felled by surrealism, alchemy and a serious desire, one supposes, to prick pomposity whilst also showing-off. While these poems are straightforward in terms of the syntax there’s an aleatory element to their construction in the sense that anything and everything becomes grist to the poetic mill, which makes for an interesting read, especially when combined with an almost jaunty wordplay and an ongoing concern with the visceral which feels strangely robust.
— Tears in the Fence


Daniel Harris is the author of 11 collections of poetry and collaborative writing, and the Editor-in-Chief of X-Peri. He currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Rupert Loydell is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Writing and Journalism at Falmouth University and a poet, critic and visual artist.  He is the editor of Stride magazine, a contributing editor to international times, and an International Editor of X-Peri.


The Co-ordinates of Doubt is published by Knives, Forks & Spoons Press, ISBN 9781912211050 and is available online at