Samhain by Rebecca Penfold

Halloween 2.jpg

The flames of the bonfire crackle and dance along with the loud energetic music filling the clearing. Humans dance and drink noisily around it, celebrating an event none of them truly understand.

Samhain is not all fun and games.

‘Who’s a good Doggy then?’ Katelyn slurs, her hand is heavy and slow against my fur, patting my head a little too hard, no doubt leaving some of that weird green paint behind from her skin. Reeking of spirits and weird chemicals, the sharp smell burning my nose.

She pulls a face and complains as I walk away, calling my name in that awful whiney voice of hers. Quickly, I pad over to a group of younger ones. These ones never smell like alcohol, at least, not ‘til this year.

‘Hey, Duke.’ Malyn calls a little too loudly, scruffing the fur on my neck and clipping on my lead as I lean against his leg. Yes hi, sandwich, please. Licking my lips, eyes wide gazing up at my boy, really not enjoying the throat itching stench of the red coloured spray in his hair.

You will give me snack. You will give me snack. You will give me snack.

‘Dude, why’d you bring the mutt with you? It’s a party,’ a poor smelling boy called to Malyn. Mask on the back of his head, poison stick burning between his fingers, the smoke from it staining his skin.

‘You may wanna get lung cancer Jason, but Duke and I don’t. So, if your gonna smoke don’t do it here,’ Malyn plucked it from the young man’s fingers, dropping it onto the wet grass and crushing it beneath his toe. Jason huffed loudly glaring at Malyn like he stole his steak... Mmm steak.

‘Why’d you bring the mutt?’ Jason repeated.

‘Duke comes every year, besides, he sees things we don’t, don’t ya’ Duke?’ Malyn scratches that spot behind my ear and I stop listening, tail thumping heavily against the damp grass.

‘You’re one superstitious nut, you know that?’

What’s that smell? My nose twitches and I whine, vibrating in excitement. Pork, bread, onions, greese.

Hot dogs! Malyn, Malyn I want one pleaseeee….

‘Okay, okay, stop pulling. What is it?’ Malyn laughs, holding fast on the lead, his eyes scan the field before he grins, ‘Alright but only one.’

Hurry up, I’m wasting away here.

I regret letting the human pups feed me all those extra hotdogs behind Malyn’s back… no I don’t. I’d do it again.

Walking sluggishly through the tall old trees, wind whistling gently through the branches ruffling the leaves as we make our way home. The moon is high and round, stars glittering around it, silver light guiding the way because SOMEONE forgot to bring the torch. Jason's broad frame bumbling along as loudly as he possibly can, twigs snapping loudly under his thumping footsteps.

There’s a strange scent lingering in the air as we walk. Whimpering I nudge Malyn’s hand with my nose, pressing my shoulder against his thigh. Something's wrong.

The wood is far too quiet, it sets my fur on edge. Crack. A sound to our left. I turn my head but there is nothing there. I don't like this. Something is watching us. The fallen leaves crackling as it moves. It’s so quiet I can't quite place where it is by the sound. Whining I tug on the leash, all sluggishness gone, as I try to hurry Malyn along.

'Oi, Duke what you doin’ of?' Malyn tugs me back, voice quiet, eyes watching me closely before following my own darting around the trees. I whimper shrinking back into Malyn’s legs. His hand tightens on the lead, body tense.

'Dude, what's up with the dog?' Jason asks chuckling slightly.

'Be quiet. Something's wrong,' Malyn breathes sharply, 'whatever happens, stay on the path.'

Jason laughs shaking his head. I wish he'd at least try to be quiet.

A spluttering cough and wheezing breath from our right. I know that smell. Chemicals and alcohol and blood and Katelyn. I whine, collar cutting into my neck as I press my weight against it dragging Malyn along behind me, following the scent. We stop short as she comes into view.

Sprawled out awkwardly on the forest floor, limbs making shapes humans are not usually capable of. Long hair matted with dirt, sweat and blood, stomach opened and flesh chewed. Long deep claw marks bleeding along her sides, arm snapped, all her clothes shredded and drenched red. 

She’d been hunted. For fun.

Body toyed with and abandoned, her stuffing ripped out and strewn across the ground. She’s not quite dead, but dead enough.

We have to run, now.

Jason stands staring, unbreathing at the soon to be corpse. Malyn tries to approach, a foolish desire to help. I pull him back sharply, neck aching.

No. No way, stupid boy.

Our movement startles Jason out of his stupor. He grips the back of Malyn’s jacket, dragging the smaller man away.

‘She’s dead, move.’

‘She’s breathing.’

‘Not for long she ain’t an’ we ain’t joinin’ her.’

The three of us sprinted away from the breathing carcass, my heavy pants flooding my ears muffling the sounds around us. Leaves crunching, twigs cracking and the loud thundering of boots against earth. Bark cracking loudly behind us has us desperately pushing faster. The leash holds me back heavily, even at full speed Malyn is too slow and heavy for me, but at least he’s faster that Jason. Wheezing, Jason struggles to keep pace, his fear almost overpowering the stench of sweat and stale smoke.

Suddenly, something caught Jason by the leg sending him crashing to the dirt, dragging him backwards. Malyn spins, reaching for him but too slow. Lunging forward, the leash digging into my throat, I snarl and bare my teeth. My loud barks echo through the trees as Jason cries out, the creature’s talons sinking into the flesh of his calf.

‘Keep moving!’ Jason shouts as his free leg kicks out, missing by a mile before colliding with the skull of the creature with a thunk.

I forgot they can’t see it.

It’s… sharp. Large and strong and sharp. All teeth and claws without any eyes to speak of. Skin and fur caught between short jagged teeth, breath like rotten flesh and blood dripping down its pale neck as it roars. It smells faintly of Katelyn.

The creature releases him with a screech that attacks our ears like shards of shattered glass. Blood pours from the deep jagged gashes along Jason's calf, droplets of warm red falling like autumn leaves seeping into the damp earth.

Jason struggles to his feet, attempting to limp away. The creature lunges for him again.

Malyn quickly darts into its path. My heart stops.

I snarl, the sound reverberating in my throat as I step forward. But it stops. Though through no choice of its own, as if being blocked by some kind of invisible wall. It struggles to come forward, but its each step is pushed back.

Short rapid breaths rattling his ribs Malyn stands eyes clenched shut and hand clinging to the smooth stone around his neck, shaking like a leaf before the creature. 

A hag stone. 

The creature slinks backwards, hissing. The boys can’t see. Then Malyn raises the hole in the stone to his eye and gasps, scent of fear blooming brighter than ever as he’s finally able to see IT.

Words by Rebecca Penfold

Edited by Emily Gough