Post-Digital Summer Showcase Entry No:1 - What do you Hope For? by Matt Anderson
Image by Nick Fewings via Unsplash
In this first submission to the Post-Digital Writing Summer Showcase, students on the Post-Digital Content module were tasked with responding to the theme of ‘Writers and Hope.‘ Matt Anderson sent out a questionnaire to his fellow students and several staff members asking them what they hoped to achieve over the next university study block. Below he’s correlated their entries into a powerful message about the hope we all have.
What do you hope for?
The following answers were provided by students and lecturers attending Falmouth University.
As someone whose university experience has been defined by the Covid-19 pandemic, what is one thing you hope for?
I hope for the chance to be given a normal uni experience.
I hope I’m able to meet new people.
For myself and others, I hope to find similar, like-minded people and meet in person. A sense of community that isn’t just online.
Although I know the all digital-age is inevitable, where we are all simply pieces of consciousness downloaded onto a thin memory card and we interact with 1’s and 0’s rather than hello’s and hugs… I really hope the pandemic doesn’t push society to reach that age sooner.
I hope for a proper graduation.
I hope to graduate lol
I hope to get the most out of of uni - courses, networking, knowledge.
I hope to self-publish, via sites that have risen over the pandemic to become mainstream and sustainable.
I hope that restrictions ease up globally so going abroad to travel becomes easier.
I hope to enjoy and appreciate things more, when we can start to live some sort of normal life again.
I hope to not have to wear masks in lectures.
I hope to be able to work towards something.
I hope to return to open and welcoming classrooms where students can comfortably work with each other.
I hope for the campus to become more of a busy, bustling, face-to-face community again. It's hugely important for the mental health of both students and staff, I think.
I hope for more inclusivity at the University. An appreciation of being a student sharing the Uni space/platform and learning together.
I hope for the same opportunities and connections that pre-pandemic students had.
I hope for third year…
Edited by Eoin Murray