80 PhD Studentships through Midlands3Cities (Leicester, UK)


The Leicester Media School at De Montfort University (Head, Professor Jason Lee) includes a number of research groups and centres (see below) and is one of the contributors to the AHRC-funded Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M3C)

This initiative brings together six universities in the Midlands region: Birmingham, Birmingham City, De Montfort, Leicester, Nottingham Trent and Nottingham

For 2018 entry, M3C is awarding up to 80 PhD Arts and Humanities Open Doctoral Competition studentships and is offering seven Midlands3Cities Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) for UK/EU applicants

The deadline for M3C funding applications is Monday 15 January 2018, by which time students must have applied for a place to study and have ensured that two academic references are submitted to the home university on the correct M3C form. For full details of eligibility, funding, research supervision areas and CDA projects, and for dates of the November application writing workshops, please visit:http://www.midlands3cities.ac.uk or contact mailto:enquiries@midlands3cities.ac.uk.

The Leicester Media School encompasses a number of active Research Centres, Groups, and Special Interest Groups, covering fields of enquiry from Cinema and Media, to Music and Holography, each of which covers a range of research themes and topics, and each of which is prepared to receive enquiries from candidates: a full list is given, including interdisciplinary centres that cater for a fusion of humanities research and innovative use of creative technologies   

(Centres and Groups can be reached through the contacts below)


MTIRC - Music Technology and Innovation Research Centre - the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre (MTIRC) encompasses a broad and continually evolving range of artistic creation and theory focused on innovative application of new technologies to music. It emphasises electroacoustic music and sonic art. The MTI programme was established in 1999 and the research centre is now acknowledged globally to be a leader in its field. The MTI Research Lab (MTIRL) is the premiere facility of the MTI Research Centre. The 1670 square-foot facility in the Clephan Building was established in 2004 through a Science Research Infrastructure grant from HEFCE, and has been continually upgraded to meet the developing needs of our researchers.

Contact - Professor Leigh Landy - LLandy@dmu.ac.uk


MDG - Media Discourse Group - Media Discourse at De Montfort University specialises in 'global' studies of communication (current PhDs examine media use in countries like Brazil, Iraq, Lebanon and China), drawn from the study of mediated events (demonstrations, musical events, elections, security events, etc) and media texts (social media exchanges, TV and radio broadcasts, advertising, and political and election propaganda). In studying public communication, it employs a range of critical methods and approaches associated with a variety of traditions (ethnography, web studies, critical discourse analysis, multi-modal analysis, and grounded theory). 

Contact - Professor Stuart Price - sprice@dmu.ac.uk


MCT - The Media, Culture and Technology research group aims to develop and deepen the theoretical understanding of media technology in order both to investigate its relations with culture and society but also enhance and inform its practical applications through media practice and technological solutions to problems. The scope of the group is broad in order to encourage collaboration and enhance the cross-pollination of ideas between the researchers utilising varied methodological approaches to media technology. As such the group is a site for fostering an interdisciplinary approach to media. 

Contact - Dr Simon Mills - SMills@dmu.ac.uk

CATH - Cinema and Television History - The Centre was opened by Ken Loach in March 2010 following the strong performance of Communications, Media and Cultural Studies at De Montfort University in RAE 2008. The panel commented: ‘Through its publications, the department has a substantial presence and reputation, particularly in the study of British cinema and television.’ Since then, the Centre has broadened its scope, and now also has considerable strength in American and European film. 

 Contact - Professor Steve Chibnall - schib@dmu.ac.uk


IOCT - The IOCT is a university-wide research institute that concerns itself with the practice, theory and history of creative technologies. All its projects are either interdisciplinary (applying the methods from one discipline to another), multidisciplinary (teams from various disciplines combining to investigate a research question) or transdisciplinary (across and beyond all disciplines). IOCT Research addresses the challenges of reconciling the objective precision of computer science with the subjective ambiguities of the arts and humanities. It has applications in the arts and entertainment, games and mobile applications, product and web design and other interactive systems. Funding has come from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Technology Strategy Board and the European Union.

Contact - Professor Sophy Smith - ssmith05@dmu.ac.uk


IDRG - Imaging and Displays Research Group - Imaging and Displays Research Group (IDRG) consists of multidisciplinary academics who have earned an international reputation for excellence in the design, development and evaluation of next-generation three-dimensional (3D) displays and holography for consumer and industrial use. The team’s world-first projects regularly involve collaboration with partners worldwide, leading to new possibilities for innovation and greater interaction.

Contact - Professor Martin Richardson - MRichardson@dmu.ac.uk

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